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Formally Recognize And Reward Contributions To DEI For Women Employees

Inspired by McKinsey & Company

  • Manager Framework

  • Targets Diversity & Inclusion

Formally Recognize And Reward Contributions To DEI For Women Employees

Use this McKinsey Playbook to expand the scope of your performance evaluations to include DEI

đź“— Framework Details

Acknowledging the critical role that women, especially those from underrepresented groups, play in advancing DEI and well-being is not just ethical—it's smart business.

McKinsey’s research highlights the unpaid emotional and organizational labor that many women contribute in these areas. Leaders need to formally recognize this work and integrate it into performance evaluations and promotion criteria, not only to retain talented women but also to propel organizational success in DEI.

đź“— Implementation Steps

  1. Assessment Audit: Review existing performance evaluations and promotion criteria to identify gaps where contributions to DEI and well-being are not being measured or rewarded.

  2. Inclusion Metrics: Create new metrics or KPIs focused on DEI efforts, mentorship, sponsorship, and other forms of leadership outside of formal roles.

  3. Leadership Training: Train managerial staff to value and acknowledge contributions to DEI and well-being during performance reviews.

  4. Transparent Communication: Clearly articulate to the entire organization that work in these areas will be valued and rewarded, not just expected without recognition.

  5. Highlight Case Studies: Share examples of leaders (especially women) who have made a positive impact in DEI and well-being to set a precedent within the company.

  6. Reward and Recognition: Develop reward systems that are tied to DEI contributions, like bonuses or advancement opportunities.

  7. Involve Male Leaders: Engage men in leadership roles to acknowledge and support these efforts, breaking the stereotype that DEI and well-being are “women’s issues.”

đź“— Next Steps

  1. Monitor Impact: Track how these changes affect retention rates, especially among women and underrepresented groups.

  2. Sustainability: Make sure this isn't a one-off initiative but integrated into the fabric of the company's long-term goals.

  3. Community Engagement: Consider how these internal changes can be mirrored in your external business practices, relationships, and reputation.