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Implement a Feedback Week

Inspired by HubSpot

  • Team Framework

  • Targets Burnout

Implement a Feedback Week

Use this Playbook when burnout risk is low and psychological safety is high

đź“— Framework Details

Feedback serves as a pivotal axis in elevating performance across an organization, operating as a bi-directional channel rather than a one-way directive.

It's essential for not just managers to dispense performance insights to their team, but also for employees to reciprocate by providing feedback to both their managers and colleagues.

Research supports this: multiple studies have shown that feedback-rich environments can result in up to a 40% increase in performance (Murphy and Cleveland, 1995).

To systematize this approach, we've introduced a Framework named "Implement Feedback Week." This is a dedicated one-week initiative where managers disseminate the Framework to solicit anonymous feedback from their teams on a subject of their choice. The exercise aims to nurture an open dialogue that can highlight areas of improvement as well as strengths.

A precondition for the success of such an initiative is a team culture that prioritizes psychological safety and minimizes burnout risk.

Google's Aristotle Project found that psychological safety was among the most important factors that contribute to a team's effectiveness. When team members feel safe, they are more likely to share honest feedback without fear of repercussions.

Moreover, research suggests that psychologically safe environments can reduce the risk of burnout by promoting well-being and reducing stress (Edmondson, 1999).

In such an optimal environment, "Implement Feedback Week" can serve as a catalyst in identifying and activating latent positive feedback loops within the team. The more a team engages in constructive feedback, the more it enhances its collective intelligence and problem-solving abilities, thereby creating a virtuous cycle that fosters continual improvement.

đź“— Next Steps

Here are some steps to take:

  • Distribute the "Implement Feedback Week" Framework across your team, emphasizing the aim of gathering anonymous feedback on a variety of subjects.

  • Incentivize the sharing of feedback by promoting a culture of psychological safety, backed by both leadership and peer support.

  • Assess the feedback received to identify trends, areas of improvement, and strengths, utilizing data analytics if possible for a more objective view.

  • Share insights derived from the feedback with the team, celebrating victories and devising action plans for areas requiring improvement.

  • Revisit the Framework periodically, to keep the feedback mechanisms updated and aligned with the team's evolving needs and dynamics.